Mosquito Identification & ControlMosquitos are long legged insects with a long proboscis (nose) which they use to penetrate skin. They are commons all over the United States and have a long history of disease transmision. About MosquitosFemale mosquitos are parasitic (feed on blood) while male mosquitos feed on flower nectar. There is no easy way to tell the difference by the naked eye. However if you are bitten it is a female that is either attempting to feed.
Treating Mosquitos
Consistency is key in treating mosquitos as they can cover long distances and migrate from area to area. Our treatment repels them and should be done on a consistent basis as these pests can migrate easily. Facts About MosquitosMosquitos are known as one of the United States most dangerous pests due to their propensity to carry life threatening diseases. Some things you can do to reduce mosquitos around your home:
Contact us today to schedule an appointment to assess your pest control issue. |